Your dream of flight can become a reality through paramotoring! Learn to fly your own personal aircraft all for less than the price of a used car.
Full course: $3000
Professional training from a USPPA certified flight school, includes use of gear up to 25 flights, come fly with us anytime!
New students learn at a different rate, some will solo fly sooner than others, we will make sure that the necessary time will be taken to insure that you are trained safely and correctly.
The Full PPG foot launch training is a 10 day intensive course- call now for our upcoming class availability and ask us about our on site accommodation options!
We train full time at our location in Crystal Beach,Texas- just north of Galveston- a little over an hour from Houston!
Our 2400 sq ft pilot lounge and show room are just a mile from the beach- so we have a comfortable place to do our ground school in the mornings. We also have accommodation available right next door to the pilot lounge!
Our locations weather is one of the best micro climates in the country for consistent winds- we can fly 8-12 hours a day- right on the beach!
Our intensive course is designed to get you through the learning curve as safe and efficient as possible so you can fly with us on your own!
We find a 10 day structured course produces the best results for students as opposed to stretching out over the weekends.
Gear rental is included in the training package up to 25 flights!
During the class you will fly multiple brands and models so you can learn what works best for you. We have a large selection and will help find the best equipment to fit your style- the goal is for you to fly as soon as you go home!
Understanding how and why a wing flies is as important as knowing how to fly it. Students will learn the fundamentals of aerodynamics and the nuances and considerations of flying the special type of aircraft we fly.
Just like on the road, there are rules in the sky. It’s important for pilots to know how to safely and accurately navigate the different airspaces over the United States. You’ll learn how to read FAA Sectional Charts, identify and avoid dangerous and prohibited areas, and scout out future flying trips away from your home field.
One of the most critical skills a pilot can develop is an understanding of the weather. Our ability to fly safely depends on our ability to know the best weather conditions from the worst. Students will learn both macro- and micro-weather considerations and how to use all available resources to fly in safe air.
As Ultralight Pilots, we’re goverend by Federal Aviation Regulation Part 103. All Paramotor pilots should know and understand these regulations in order to confidently fly your aircraft without fear of accidentally violating a law you didn’t know existed.
Being a safe pilot is a mindset. Not only will we give you the skills to fly safely, we’ll teach you consistent pre- and post- flight safety checks, and the psychology necessary for a long career as a competent aviator.
Before a new pilot even attempts to fly, it is necessary to have complete control of the glider on the ground. Foot launching students will learn to inflate and hold their wing overhead (Kiting). Students will successfully execute forward and reverse launches appropriate for different weather conditions.
Successfully kiting the wing is one of the most challenging parts of training, but it’s also a lot of fun to learn. Everyone picks it up at a different pace, but usually by the end of day 2, new students are getting the hang of it.
Prior to solo, students rehearse their first flight in a hang simulator from beginning to end. There won’t be any surprises when you take to the air for the first time and see the world from a whole new vantage. Solo day is the day we’ve been looking forward to. For us as instructors, it’s the most rewarding part of training.
After solo day, pilot confidence will increase rapidly as we continue to refine take-offs and landings. By flights 7 to 10, your instructors will begin stepping out of the process and allowing pilots to progress towards totally independent flight. Between 20 and 25 flights, we usually start thinking about sending you home to finish developing your skills on your own, but we’re always available to talk over weather and flight considerations as needed.
Advanced Training and Tours
Do you want to grow your skills as a pilot and are wondering what the next step to take is?
I’d love to help you continue your path- from an intermediate who wants to footdrag and spot land- to advanced hard acro training I have a course- or SIV trip that can take your flying to the next level-
Give me a call anytime and I’d be stoked to see how I can help your progression! 512-545-6280